He has no money now ……
A. although he was very poor once
B. as he has given up all his wealth
C. because he was very rich once
D. because he has received huge donation
E. because he was very greedy about wealth
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Answer: Option B
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He is so lazy that he ……
A. cannot depend on others for getting his work done
B. cannot delay the schedule of completing the work
C. can seldom complete his work on time
D. dislike to postpone the work that he undertakes to do
E. always help others to complete their work
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Answer: Option C
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Dinesh is as stupid as he is lazy means ……
A. Dinesh is stupid because he is lazy
B. Dinesh is lazy because he is stupid
C. Dinesh is either stupid or lazy
D. Dinesh is hardly stupid but he is lazy
E. Dinesh is equally stupid and lazy
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Answer: Option E
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Practically, very little work could be completed in the last week as it was ……
A. full of working days B. a very hectic week
C. full of holidays D. a very busy week
E. loaded with work
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Answer: Option C
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Because he believes in democratic principles, he always ……
A. decides all the matters himself
B. listen to others views and enforces his own
C. shown respect to others opinions if they match his own
D. reconciles with the majority views and gives us his own
E. imposes his own views on others
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
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