Which of the following is not a kharif crop?
A. Jute B. Maize
C. Mustard D. Rice
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Answer: Option C
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The shape of earth is
A. sphere
B. oblate spheroid
C. circular
D. spheroid
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Answer: Option B
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The tertiary winds on the north of the Alps (Europe) are called
A. the Chinook
B. the foehn
C. the sirocco
D. the loo
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Answer: Option B
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The tropical easterlies wind lie at
A. 0-30? latitude
B. 30-60? latitude
C. 60-90? latitude
D. 10-40? latitude
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Answer: Option A
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The spring season in the north temperate zone is when
A. the sun is directly overhead the equator
B. the sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer
C. the sun returns to equator
D. the sun is at the Tropic of Cancer
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The term ‘Abyssal refers to
A. inner most part of the earth
B. organism found in the shallow water zone of the seas
C. deeper parts of the oceans
D. None of the above
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
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