The Suez canal connects the
A. Baltic sea and the Caspian sea
B. Mediterranean sea and the Red sea
C. Red sea and the Caspian sea
D. Mediterranean sea and the North sea
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Answer: Option B
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The uppermost epoch of the Neogene period is
A. the Pliocene epoch
B. the Pleistocen epoch
C. the Miocene epoch
D. the Oligocene epoch
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Answer: Option A
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The type of igneous rock that form from magma is a function of
A. the chemical composition of the magma
B. temperature of solidification
C. the rate of cooling, which influences the crystallisation process
D. All of the above
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Answer: Option D
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The slow down slope movement of soil and sediment because of frost heaving and thawing is called
A. solifluction
B. gelifluction
C. frost creep
D. rockfall
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Answer: Option C
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The transverse, longitudinal and surface waves in an earthquake originate from
A. the epicentre within the body of the earth
B. the focus on the surface of the earth
C. the focus within the body of the earth
D. the epicentre on the body of the earth
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Answer: Option C
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The smallest country of the world is
A. Russia
B. Vatican city
C. Brazil
D. Canada
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
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