The typical soil of tropical region, formed by the weathering of laterite rock, which promotes leaching of the soil is
A. laterite soils
B. black soil
C. red and yellow soil
D. peat and marshy soil
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Answer: Option A
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The two ‘equinoxes’ take place respectively in the months of
A. January and June
B. July and December
C. March and September
D. September and December
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Answer: Option C
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The troughs of the waves are where the jet stream of waves is closest to the
A. poles
B. equator
C. Prime meridian
D. None of the above
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Answer: Option B
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The study of soils is called
A. geomorphology B. pedology
C. hydrology D. biogeography
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Answer: Option B
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The tropical cyclones do not occur to the equator because of
A. weak coriolis force
B. light and variable width
C. excessive humidity
D. connective activity
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Answer: Option A
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The term ‘regur’ refers to
A. deltaic alluvial soils
B. lateral soils
C. black cotton soils
D. red and yellow soils
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Answer: Option C
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