One coulomb passing a point in one second is one:
A. ampere B. volt
C. ohm D. charge
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Answer: Option A
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In which states may matter may be found?
A. solid, liquid, or mineral
B. solid, gas, or liquid
C. mineral, gas, or liquid
D. plastic, solid, or gas
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Answer: Option B
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Material that consists of a mixture of elements is considered to be:
A. an element B. an ion
C. a compound D. a molecule
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Answer: Option C
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How many valence shell electrons are there in semiconductor atoms?
A. 16 B. 8
C. 4 D. 2
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Answer: Option C
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When considering conventional current versus electron current flow:
A. electron current flow came first
B. protons move in conventional current flow
C. conventional current flow came first
D. the direction of current is the same in both methods
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Answer: Option C
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